National student advertising competition | 2020

For my senior year capstone, I was fortunate enough to be one of 19 individuals selected to represent the University of Missouri-Columbia in the National Student Advertising Competition. The competition enables students to learn about the advertising campaign process by developing a campaign for a real, national client. Adobe was the client for 2020, and at the beginning of the competition, they provided an assignment outlining the history of their product and challenge they wanted us to solve.

Based off of this ask, our team conducted research, constructed a 20-page plan book, and pitched our winning campaign to a panel of judges at the district competition on April 23, 2020, allowing us to advance to semi-finals on May 7, 2020, and then finals on June 8, 2020— taking home the third place title out of the 102 schools who started the competition. All while navigating a global pandemic, might I add!

My role: Digital Strategist

  • Conducted target market and digital trend research to recommend the most strategic, digital tactics for NSAC’s first ever B2B client.

  • Calculated KPIs and proper measurement methods for each individual tactic and overall campaign evaluation page of the planbook.

  • Worked alongside the Media Planners to create the final budget spreadsheet.


thank you to my nsac team + instructor:

Moving to remote work due to COVID-19 was especially challenging for a large group, but through strong communication, we were still able to produce our best book.